Next HMBCCS Meeting-The AGM on April 28th

Hi Everyone,

The next regular meeting, and AGM for the board of HMB Childcare Society is Tuesday, April 28th at 6:30 pm at HMB School.  AGM starts at 6:30 with guest speaker Sue speaking about community hubs, followed by snacks and coffee.  All board members and anyone interested in childcare in HMB are welcome to attend  on Tuesday, April 28th.  Our regular HMBCCS board meeting will follow the AGM, and you are welcome to participate.

Kid’s Clothing Swap- this Saturday, April 4th

Saturday, April 4th from 10-12 at the HMB Pre-school/Day-care building behind the HMB School.

It is a big clothing exchange for children sized 0-8. Bring spring/ summer clothes that are clean, in good shape and ready to wear (maternity clothes welcome). No rips, tears or stains. Also welcome are books, toys and accessories that are in good condition. Clothes will be separated into 4 major size groups and marked with signs. Add the clothes you bring into the matching size piles. It is recommended that you separate your clothing by size before the swap to save time and be sure to arrive a little early. The swap will begin as soon as everyone has finished placing their clothes in the appropriate piles. When the swap begins, look through the piles to find the items in the sizes you need and put them in your bag. There are no minimum requirements for how many items you have to bring or how many you can take, but please be courteous and generous. Items that do not get swapped will be donated.