Out of School Care programs offered at HMB School!

Did you know about the Out of School Care programs offered at HMB School?  You can pick which days you would like your child to participate, or take advantage of our flexible ‘Drop In’  offering.  We also offer summer programming (though we close for the last 2 weeks of August). Please speak to our wonderful staff about your needs.  Currently, OOSC offers 6 different programs, at the following posted rates, starting after school til 6pm during the school year.

Monday to Thursday -$15

Fridays (early close) -$20

Pro-D days-                  $30

Kindercare (early start)-$23

Kindercare (late start)- $20

Kindercare Pro-D days- $33

In order to continue offering ‘Drop in’ at OOSC, we’re shifting the rates to reflect the additional staffing and administrative issues arising from this aspect of the program.  A $2 increase  for drop in use will start at the end of June, 2010.  This is a $2 per day savings if you book  a regular spot. Please contact Peggy Huson at the OOSC 604 885 4386

New programming at the Daycare as of September, 2010

HMBCCS Daycare will be expanding the pre-school program hours (currently we run 8:15am- 11am).   The  September 7, 2010 program will offer Half Day Daycare with Pre-school Programming. The new times will run from 8:00 till 11:45am and the afternoon half day will run from 1:00 to 5:00..  There will be a fee  increase  of $3 from the current $22 per day, to $25, reflective of the extra hour of care. Please call Nicky to enroll for the fall, or to be placed on our waiting list.  Call the Daycare at 604 885 3739.